Friday 16 April 2010


This took quite a long time especially considering it is only a two second video, but it is quite traditional animation especially with the splashing water effect, which I had already practiced drawing in class (which I will also post), because I had to draw each frame. I did use plenty of key frame animation as well. I think it turned out pretty well.

I animated the stone going across the water first using key frames and worked out in what frames I would have to draw the splashes and how they should look. But not every splash is different I did use a couple of the same drawing a few times but it's not really noticeable and using a few little cheats like that is important for animation, because animation is so time consuming it is ok to cut corners as long as you know the viewer won't notice and in such a short animation that is fast this was fine. What the viewer sees in the thing you need to worry about the most.

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